Paddington Central Shopping Centre
107 Latrobe Terrace
Paddington, QLD 4064
07 3369 2940
A dose administration aids (Medicopak) service assists in the safe and effective administration of a consumer’s medication and improves adherence.
Dose administration aids are an important pharmacy service for a range of customers to ensure they take the right medicine at the right time.
Most people have forgotten to take their medications or doubled up on their drugs at one time or another. The over or under-use of medicines is a common cause for hospital admissions in Australia, which is why webster packing has become an important part in pharmacies and the services they offer.
Medication Packing - Dose Administration Aids
What is it?
A Medicopak is a blister-packed kit that is divided into individual doses to help manage patients medications
The pack lists all the contents for easy identification
We take care of:
Packing your medications into weekly or fortnightly packs
Maintaining patients prescriptions by liaising with doctors for new supply
Ensure accuracy on what the patients’ doctor has advised
Delivering the medication if requested
Maintaining a complete medication profile, detailing all resident medications (packed and non-packed), allergies
Liaising with your doctor regarding any changes to your medication needs
We are happy to deliver your medicopak to the local area. Call us to discuss how we can offer you our service 3368 3843